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The 2022 retreat

Today I am going to write about the 2022 retreat. Are you ready? Here we go.first daddy picked me up from easterseals. Then we went on a long drive to the retreat. Then daddy prepared for the retreat. Then we ate dinner. Then we dropped our stuff at the cabin. thankfully the cabin had wifi so I could watch my walkthrough of Agatha Christie the abc murders and play it.then we went to the cabin where the retreat took place. First we had praise and worship. Then we heard a message which talked about the war between Russia and Ukraine.I don’t remember the message as much because I didn’t take notes. Then after that we heard sandrie’s plans for the retreat. Then we went to sleep. now we get to Saturday and here is where things get a little weird.first I had breakfast. Then I slept in the morning so I didn’t hear the morning message. In the afternoon though that is when I got active. I ate lunch and then I got to the recreation center.I went to the pool and I did doggie paddles which is closest to swimming but not quite and this is coming from a guy who isn’t good at swimming. Then in the evening I ate dinner.then we went back to the cabin.during praise and worship I actually stood up having learned from the experience at Virginia.this time I paid attention to the message and during praise and worship I sang you will never walk alone which was a song that I listened to in the fall of 2007 when daddy poured ointment on me due to the fact that I misbehaved during my years at high school. Then after that I heard another message.that after that we got awards for finishing the course known as leader shift. This really upsetted me because it made me think of the time i wrote in the workbook. You see the workbook asks you questions about becoming a leader and one of the questions that I was asked was how have you treated people as a leader and my dad suggested that I write about the time that I forced danielle to finish illustrating the book ayo and yualiana which sequel is in development as I am writing this. for those of you who don’t know in March of 2016 I hired Danielle to illustrate the illustrations for my book. However I forced her to finish the illustrations by November of that year because I planned to write Johnaten the elephant 5. this was not good and I had to wait until March of 2017 for the illustrations to be finished and the book wouldn’t be published until may 2017. This was because of two things. One was because every animation studio whether it’s Pixar Disney illumination or dreamworks release at least one film a year and because of that my mindset was that I have to publish a book every year.second my threat was inspired by the conversation that Howard scott wars had with ray kasser during 1982 where he said we need the by September 1st and i figured if he could be the boss I can too.that was a big mistake.this was also during the time i focused on beauty and the beast and the play Arneo and the counselor which would later on make 720 million dollars and the first play to be nominated for best original screenplay.due to it’s success a live action movie adaptation is in the works. Simply put when I got the award it made me upset not only because of what I just mentioned but because leader shift is my least favorite John Maxwell book of all time and I’ll explain what the John Maxwell class is in another blog.anyway on a happy note Sunday was awesome.first we had praise and worship. Then I sang two songs. one was help is on the way and you all know about that one.then I sang you will never walk back alone which everybody loved.then I had an interview with sandrie and mentioned my books. Then sandrie asked Ruben to turn the lights on and off due to the fact that she mentioned that I preached a message about autism and I turned the lights on and off similar to the fire appearing and being put out many times in the original version of Poseidon’s fury at universal’s islands of adventure. I listened to another message we ate lunch and then we went home.whew that was a mouthful.hopefully you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Hopefully next week’s blog won’t be as long because next week we are going to talk about the sight and sound play David and my singing at the church.hopefully it won’t be as long as this blog. Will it be as long as this blog? we’ll have to wait and see. anyway that’s next week.thank you all for reading and as always good night everybody.

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