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Artists in the alley

Today I am going to talk to you about the artists in the alley event. Let me tell you about it. First I got dressed. Then I got in the car. Then I went to my table where mommy and I were going to sell our books. The event was really good. It was a beautiful day in fact it was 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Everyone had different things that they made to sell. One woman made necklaces. Another women sold carpets. And of course my mom and I sold books. During the event they played music and I danced to it. I was an expert dancer and I enjoyed dancing to it. Earlier that day a Spanish newspaper photographer took my picture of me holding my seventh book. I enjoyed being in the newspaper even if I don’t like reading it.For lunch I ate McDonald’s and unfortunately the food didn’t taste that good. Later that day I sold three books while by comparison my mommy sold 9 books. She earned 70 dollars while I earned 30 dollars. By the way I bought an iTunes card with my 30 dollars. anyway I enjoyed the event. It was fun enjoyable and I at least got to promote my book. The only downside was the fact that the women who sold fabric wanted to know how I came up with the idea for the first Johnaten the elephant book and I had to tell her everything. I don’t like talking about the first one because I don’t like remakes. But that’s another story. Anyway I loved the event and everyone else enjoyed it too. I am very happy to tell you about how the event went and I am glad that I wrote it in my blog. Next week won’t be so happy though because next week I am going to talk about leadership school and let me tell you it won’t be pretty. But that’s next week. Anyway thank you all for reading and as always good night everybody.

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